Dear Parents,
We have raised expectations for our young friends, and they have risen to meet them! In the Daled room, we have introduced toileting, hand washing, and nose wiping, and are amazed at the interest and progress made.
Dr. Maria Montessori discovered and wrote about sensitive periods in young children’s lives. Sensitive periods are times when babies and children have an intense urge to learn and acquire new skills. For toileting, the sweet spot is 12-24 months. We recently moved diapering to the bathroom. Changing diapers adjacent to the toilet leads to curiosity and interest in sitting. We have many friends who opt to sit on the toilet during diaper changes throughout the day. This proximity and familiarity with toilet learning will lead to more successful, and likely sooner, diaper-free time.
Hand washing, and nose wiping have also been introduced. Handwashing is the most popular new work in the room. Stepping up to the stool, lifting the handle and watching the water flow from the faucet is very exciting!
Nose wiping is another important practical life skill. We have a table-top, plexiglass mirror and four folded tissues out at a time. The word we use is “mucus.” When we notice mucus, we make the child aware and remind them where the tissues are. We always help them to complete the task, after they have done the first few wipes. They are so proud to be able to take care of their own bodies.
In the Alef room, all of our babies are mobile and some will be walking soon! To encourage pulling themselves up, we have a bar on the wall, as well as appropriately sized and padded shelves.
Some of their skills are developing alongside daily essentials such as eating and drinking. Babies are learning to use silverware or pick up finger foods using the pincer grasp. They are practicing drinking with straws. As our babies grow and develop, we tailor our works to their emerging skills. We always model putting away our work before getting out new works.
Important skills include: object permanence, serve and return communication with Morahs, baby sign language, enjoyment of nature and exposure to Hebrew songs.
Stay warm this week!
Morahs Rachael, Kathy, Pallavi, Sarah, Leslie, and Marla