Dear Parents, 

Welcome back after the winter break and snow days break! As we begin our transition of our older infant room to more of a young toddler room this month, we're excited to share some changes happening (Older Infant Room only). Our goal is a slow and natural transition that will help your child adapt to this new stage of development. 

Naptime Adjustments:

  • One Nap a Day: We'll be transitioning to a single nap from approximately 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Some children have already begun napping on cots with success. We'll continue to support all children during this transition. It’s heartwarming to observe their pride as they walk or crawl to their own cot and eagerly climb onto their cozy space. Their current sheets and blankets fit just fine! 

Mealtime Modifications:

  • Lunchtime Independence: As we encourage self-feeding skills, the children will use utensils alongside us as guides.

  • Packing for Success: Please pack your child's food in easy-to-open containers. Ideally, separate containers for lunch and snacks would be best.

Essential Items: To ensure a smooth transition, please send the following items:

  • Slippers: For indoor comfort and safety, we will wear slippers indoors. Please send in a pair to keep at school. 

  • Rain boots: For our friends who are walking, this enables unrestricted fun outdoors without worrying about getting shoes muddy.

  • Utensils: Your child can bring their own utensils daily or leave them in their cubby for the week.

Our younger infants will remain on a two nap schedule, which is working well for all  our little ones in the Alef room. Both groups of children intermingle in the morning during Large Motor time in the Big Room. We have been observing more mobility as they scoot, crawl, and pull to stand. The idea of freedom of movement, or allowing babies' inner-will to drive their movement in infancy is important for a lot of different reasons. You’ll see this inner-will as they shake cabinets, as they reach out and touch your face, and as they move their hands back and forth to explore a carpeted surface beneath them. This is all movement, and unrestricted exploration through their senses– an essential component of Montessori in infancy. 

As we embark on this exciting journey together, we appreciate your support and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to speak with any of us. 

“Help me do it by myself.” -Dr. Maria Montessori 


Morahs Rachael, Kathy, Pallavi, Sarah, Leslie, and Marla