Hello Wonderful Toddler Families!

First, we want to thank all of you that took the time to come to our Parent Ed Night. We focused on the topic of the sensitive periods of toddler development with an emphasis on toilet learning.  For those of you that couldn’t make it, you missed an awesome night full of information and pro tips! If you haven't seen it already, we sent a packet of info home in your child's backpack.  Please reach out if you have any questions!  We're excited to be on the toilet learning journey with you and your children!

This week's peek is going to focus on our daily schedule.  We try to stick to a routine versus a schedule, doing the same activities in a certain order at relatively the same time, allowing for flexibility for “life” circumstances. This is a simple version of our daily routine and the approximate times we do each activity. Below, we have some further explanation about transitions, snack windows, etc.

Toddler Daily Routine

8:00-9:00-Arrival (Hang up coats and backpacks, put on slippers, place lunch, water and snack on shelves)

9:00-10:15-Work Cycle (Morning snack open from 9:15-10:00)

10:15-10:30-Judaic Circle

10:30-11:15-Gross Motor on Playground or in Big Room



1:30-3:30-Transition from nap to Playground or Big Room, snack and work cycle

3:30-School Day Dismissal

3:30-5:30-After Care

It’s so important for your children to be at school no later than 9am, in order to transition successfully into the classroom, have time for a morning snack as well as a chance to complete a work cycle or two before Circle time.

Children go down for a nap at about 12:00, and as they wake, starting at 1:30 they transition to gross motor play on the playground or in the Big Room. Once several children are awake, they take turns, 4 at a time at the snack table. The children at the snack table have about 10 minutes to eat. If the snack table is full, they must practice waiting patiently for a friend to finish. This process helps teach time management as well as task initiation and inhibition.

After 3:30 pick up, we spend time in the classroom doing work cycles, art projects, and group collaboration. Then we transition to spend time in the Big Room or our playground for free play and gross motor movement.

I hope this is helpful for you to see a little more clearly into your child’s day in our classroom. If you have any questions about this or are wondering how you can adapt this to your routine at home, just ask! Thank you so much for trusting your beautiful children with us every day. It’s so delightful to watch them grow and change.

We are so excited to have the Whatsapp platform for us to communicate and share photos with you!  I think we've been able to connect everyone that wanted access but let us know if we missed anyone.

Finally, check out the Chai Tots Instagram page for some fun new Montessori content we've been sharing and will continue to share.    

Have a wonderful week!

Warmest Regards,

Morahs Megan, K, Sarah