Dear Parents,
This week we celebrate Tu B’shvat, the 15th of Shevat, which begins Wednesday night and goes through Thursday. It is the New Year for Trees. It is based on when “the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.” ( website)
We will provide small tastes (where practical) of five of the “seven species” which are eaten on Tu Bishvat: grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. The other two species are wheat and barley.* Tasting new foods is an important sensory experience. Children may opt not to try certain foods, and that is fine.
We have been busy decorating pots with stickers and will be sending home small plants that the children have helped plant. We have also been “coloring” pictures of leaves from different trees. Coloring media and methods are tailored to your baby’s development.
There are new sturdy pushing/riding vehicles in the “big room.” Our babies are working on their gross motor skills and love the new vehicles. Our indoor slide is popular, as well as our spaceship and outer space-themed tunnel work.
Reminder: Please expect your children to go outside any day the temperature is above freezing. If it’s cold, we’ll only be out for a short time. Fresh air is very good for children (and adults). Making sure your child has a warm coat, hat and socks (warm slippers for stroller rides, too).
Morahs Marla, Leslie, and Sarah
Dear Parents,
In our classroom, we are “Happy and we know it!” We are learning emotions through the familiar tune, “Happy and You Know It,” only we are adapting the lyrics to include other emotions and feelings. “If you’re angry and you know it, cross your arms,” “If you’re sad and you know it, rub your eyes,” “If you’re tired and you know it, stretch and yawn,” and “If you’re sick and you know it, cough into your elbow.” Learning through singing engages more senses, especially the tactile sense of doing a hand motion, which supports memory.
We have observed some friends throwing various materials. It is a test of cause and effect to throw an object and see what happens! As we guide and model how to properly use the materials, we also recognize a need for classroom work that meets the needs of our young pitchers! Bean bags and a bucket have been fulfilling this need. We have seen overhand, underhand, and gentle dropping– all accompanied by cheers and laughter.
This week we celebrate Tu B’shvat, the 15th of Shevat, which begins Wednesday night and goes through Thursday. It is the New Year for Trees. It is based on when “the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.” We will provide small tastes of five of the “seven species” which are eaten on Tu Bishvat: grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. The other two species are wheat and barley.* Tasting new foods is an important sensory experience. Children ay opt not to try certain foods, and that is fine.
Using stickers, we decorated small pots, filled with soil, and added a young spider plant clipping in honor of the Tu B’shvat holiday. It was a grand time, digging in the sensory bin filled with soil. Some of us even dumped soil on our heads! We used green paint and our own fingertips and hands to paint on paper. The Morahs added trunks to make our green creations look like trees.
One small request: Please label all individual containers of food for your child. When we have all lunch bags open, this will help us ensure everyone is eating their own food, and that the containers are sent home in the correct bag.
Have a great week!
Morahs Kathy, Pallavi, Rachael