Hello, wonderful preschool families! 

The focus of our start to 2025 has certainly been the beautiful winter wonderland outside!  The children are loving all of the sparkling snow!  We have been both seeing it through the classroom windows and bringing it into the classroom for exploration and fun.  In the art area, we are inviting our young artists to create colorful creations on a canvas of fresh white snow.  They love using droppers of colored water to “paint” the snow, mix new colors, and experiment.  In the area of biology, after reading a book about animals in the snow, the children are using miniature animals to examine and compare the tracks of different animals.  With all of this snow, we are excited to incorporate it into a variety of lessons!

With the blanket of snow outside, the birds are drawing our attention more than usual.  It is so interesting to watch their busy activity, fluttering in and out of the trees and searching for food. Through books and observation, we will take a closer look at the birds that stay here in Ohio for winter, as well as those that migrate to warmer temperatures.  The children will get to compare the feet and feathers of different birds, noting that you can tell a lot about a bird’s behaviors and preferences simply by looking at their feet!  We will also create some bird feeders to hang in the trees outside for our feathered friends!

We do get a brief reprieve from cold and wintery weather this week, if only in our imaginations.  We are looking forward to a visit from Mother’s Nature this week, during which we will learn all about the ocean!  We will discuss all of the creatures that call our world’s oceans home, learn about the different oceans of the world, and examine the importance of protecting our oceans.  We are hoping this day of ocean exploration will put us in the mindset of a warm and breezy beach day, if only for a bit!

We hope you all stay warm and cozy!

Morahs Kara, Uma, Kenzie, and Chaya